
Icons and Avatars
From €10.00
Clean and colourful personalised user icon or avatar. To be used as a profile picture on websites, forums and social media.
Dimensions: 500 x 500 px, 200 x 200 px and 100 x 100 px. Format: PNG image.
Half Body Illustration
From €15.00
Clean illustration featuring a character drawn from the waist up. Base price includes flat colouring and no background added.
Possible add-ons: Shading +€10 - Simple Background +€10 - Detailed Background +€25+
Dimensions: 2893 x 4092 px @ 350 dpi. Format: PNG image.

Full Body Illustration
From €20.00
Detailed illustration featuring a character drawn from head to toes. Base price includes flat colouring and no background added.
Possible add-ons: Shading +€10 - Simple Background +€10 - Detailed Background +€25+
Dimensions: 2893 x 4092 px @ 350 dpi. Format: PNG image.
Reference Sheet
From €30.00
Detailed character reference sheet of your original character. Prices or determined on a case to case basis. Additional costs may occur for e.g. designing a character from scratch or additional poses, headshots and other details.
Dimensions: Variable. Format: PNG image.

PWYW Traditional Drawing
From sketch to fully coloured marker painting. You decide the price!
A4 or A5 format blending card paper. Shipping is available for an additional €3.00 (outside of The Netherlands).
Extra characters, for all commission types except the PWYW Traditional Drawings, are +50% of the base price. I do not draw anything NSFW under any circumstances. Before commissioning me, please read my ToS on its respective page.
Looking forward to working with you!